7 Days of Mindful Walking
JOIN MY FREE ONLINE 7 days of mindful walking - SEE How being Mindful can Make a Difference to your dayCombine walking with mindfulness for increased benefits.
What this has done though is to bring ‘mindfulness’ to the attention of many and as there are so many benefits to be gotten from it, this can only be a good thing.
“Mindfulness practice means that we commit fully in each moment to be present; inviting ourselves to interface with this moment in full awareness, with the intention to embody as best we can an orientation of calmness, mindfulness, and equanimity right here and right now.”
– Jon Kabat-Zinn
For me, walking is the time I take solely for me and often it’s my meditation. Now, purposefuly bringing mindfulness to this practice, what I used to notice naturally is even further enhanced.
I would say that people who walk regularly are already mindful but being conscious of it, takes it to another level.
How would you like to have some of that in your day?
“The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment. That’s all there ever is.”
– Eckhart Tolle
How will this work for you?
There are 7 days and you get a short video every day. The first is an overview, then days 2-6 go through a sense, a day at a time and on day 7, we pull it all together, talking about how you can continue to keep this in your life.
There is a private facebook group, only accessible for people on the this challenge, so only members can see comments. This is a place to share your insights, your photos and your questions and I will be in there as much as possible to answer, support and to celebrate with you.
You will experience new perspectives and much more through this.

What could it do for you?
In touch with nature
Higher levels of energy
In flow
Rested through sleeping better
More connected to life
More confident
Calm and relaxed
Increased enthusiasm for life
Ready to take on the world
Less stressed
Living in the moment
Greater compassion for yourself and others

Since giving mindful walking a go, I’m so much more grounded and in flow which benefits my every day and how I conduct it. Give yourself this gift and come join me and lots of other wonderful women on these & Days of Mindful Walking .
What other women are saying
“Doing Heather’s 7 Days to mindful walking has been a great and rewarding experience. The great thing is that you can do this walk on your own any where in the world! The emails and short fun videos simply helped me create the focus I needed on my short walks. I now understand what creating space is all about. Thank you Heather for this amazing gift!”
Maggie Sarfo, Reading.
Join the 7 days of mindful walking now
Your journey starts now.
How would you like to proceed?

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Ready for meaningful change? Learn more about our guided Walking Coaching.